Board of Public Education
Susie Hedalen

Susie Hedalen

391 Stagecoach Lane
Townsend, MT 59644

Having worked as an educator and administrator in class C to AA schools across the state, with various Tribal Nations, and as deputy superintendent for the Montana Office of Public Instruction, Susie Hedalen will bring a wide range of experience to the board.

Experienced in managing federal programs at the school and state level, she understands school funding streams and the big picture of K-20 school systems. Susie was also able to work in schools across Montana and understand the various needs and strengths in the Montana education system. Returning to working as a superintendent in rural Montana has allowed her to bring her knowledge and passion for working with school administrators, educators, and students back to the field in Montana. Last year she successfully wrote a competitive grant application for the Montana Comprehensive Literacy Grant, awarding the school over a million dollars.

She has a strong understanding of the Montana accreditation system and licensure system, and other models used in the nation, which will allow her to contribute to the critical upcoming work of the BOPE.