Board of Public Education



Resolutions of the Board

July 2021 MACIE Native American Language Statement Resolution

July 2022 MACIE American Indian Regalia Protections Resolution

Resolutions by the Board of Public Education

Distance Learning Task Force Report

Positions on Public School Funding and Structure

Research Conducted Over the Past Three Interims

Renewal Commission Report

On May 1, 2003 Governor Judy Martz signed House Bill 736 into law. The bill established a Montana K-12 Public School Renewal Commission to study the structure and funding of Montana public schools. The Commission began its work in July of 2003. On September 8, 2004, after many meetings and much deliberation, the Commission arrived at consensus on recommendations for changes in Montana K-12 education.

The Commission reported their recommendations to the Legislative Interim Committee on Education and Local Government. The Legislative Committee endorsed the recommendations of the Renewal Commission and urged individual lawmakers to carry the ideas to the 2005 Legislature. Their final report is available on the left.

Recommendation of the Future of the Norm-Referenced Tests (NRT)

Recommendation to the Board of Public Education