Board of Public Education



HB 562 (2023) authorized the establishment of Community Choice Schools with an autonomous state Community Choice School Commission under the general supervision of the Board of Public Education. The Choice Commission is administratively attached to the Board.

A Community Choice School means a tuition-free, public school open to all students in the state that has autonomy over school governing decisions including, but not limited to, matters concerning finance, personnel, scheduling, curriculum, and instruction as defined in its charter contract. Choice Schools are governed by independently selected school boards that must hold an election within three years of operating under a charter contract. Choice Schools are established and operated under the terms of a charter contract and allow parents to choose to enroll their children. Community Choice Schools must admit students based on a lottery if more students apply for admission than can be accommodated on their campus.

Community Choice Schools provide educational options that may include any or all grades from kindergarten through grade 12 and vocational education programs and will operate in pursuit of a specific set of educational objectives as defined in its charter contract.

Due to a pending lawsuit against the State of Montana, the Choice Commission may not accept or review applications for Choice Schools, nor may the Choice Commission approve charter contracts. At this time, the Choice Commission may convene, develop organizational and charter application policies, fundraise, and hire support staff.


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