Directions to English and World Language Applicants:
- Complete all sections of the application. Type or print all information legibly.
- Submit application and documentation of qualifying scores to the Board of Public Education no later than May 1st.
Directions to English and Indigenous Language Applicants:
- Ensure the Tribal Government Agreement has been completed for the Indigenous Language.
- Complete all sections of the application. Type or print all information legibly.
- Submit application and documentation of qualifying scores to the Board of Public Education no later than May 1st.
Questions? Review the FAQ, Parent/Student Flyer, and Info sheet or reach out to the
Board of Public Education at
The Seal of Biliteracy is an award given by a school, school district, or state in recognition of students who have studied and attained proficiency in two or more languages by high school graduation. Our vision is to help students recognize the value of their academic success and see the tangible benefits of being bilingual. For more information on the Seal of Biliteracy, visit their website: The Seal of Biliteracy.
Efforts in Montana to enact the Seal of Biliteracy began November 2020. Stakeholders from the Montana Association of Language Teachers held discussions and meetings and shared information with Board of Public Education leaders. The Board of Public Education requested the Certification Standards and Practices Advisory Council (CSPAC) review the request prior to the Board of Public Education hearing a presentation. CSPAC received a presentation in February 2021 and recommended that the Board of Public Education review the request. The Board of Public Education received a presentation on the Seal of Biliteracy in May 2021 and requested the Montana Advisory Council on Indian Education (MACIE) receive the same presentation prior to any action. MACIE received the presentation in July 2021 and recommended that the Board of Public Education consider approving the Seal of Biliteracy. In July 2021, the Board of Public Education voted unanimously to approve the Seal of Biliteracy in Montana, with the hopes that an advisory committee can come together to determine the criteria for implementation.
Montana Seal of Biliteracy Advisory Committee Recommendations to the Board of Public Education - Accepted July 2022
Convene a Seal of Biliteracy Advisory Committee to create criteria to recommend to the Board of Public Education for implementation of the Seal of Biliteracy in Montana. The goal of the committee is to have final implementation voted on by the Board of Public Education in May 2022.
McCall Flynn-Executive Director, Board of Public Education
Lisa Werner-Seal of Biliteracy Facilitator
Blakely Hay-Montana Association of Language Teachers
Dana Holland-Montana Association of Language Teachers
Susie Hedalen-Administrator, Board of Public Education member, MACIE liaison
Jason Cummins-Administrator, MACIE member, Class 7 license representative
Evelyn Paz-English Learner Specialist, Office of Public Instruction
Jacob Barto-Assessment Specialist, Office of Public Instruction
Paul Furthmyre-Interim Superintendent, Montana School for the Deaf and Blind
Galen Brokaw-Modern Languages and Literatures, Montana State University
Marton Marko-World Languages and Cultures, University of Montana
Angela McLean-AIMA, Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education
Aria Peters-High School English Language Learner Teacher, Missoula County Public Schools
Irina Mills-English Learner Teacher, Great Falls Public Schools
Tony Campeau-Registrar, Montana State University